Lesson 9: Create online shopping key pages for your store

We’ve been concentrating on items thus far. When it comes to creating your own online shopping website, though, you’ll need more than simply items. It should make it easier for people to understand your business, provide them reasons to trust you, and provide other important information to customers who are seeking for it.

The majority of these pages may be created under Online Store > Pages.

You don’t need to have all of your pages ready for launch, but the following are some of the most useful to create:

  • The page for contacting us. This page clearly indicates how consumers may contact you if they have questions or directs them to a resource for answers, such as a FAQ page.
  • The “About” page. An About page engages with clients on a personal level, explains your business approach, and/or reveals why you began your company. When creating your online store, bear in mind that an appealing about page may go a long way toward building trust for new companies.
  • Frequently Asked Questions page. A commonly asked questions page might assist answer some of the most prevalent customer service issues.
  • Pages dedicated to policies. Customers anticipate certain legal documents, such as your return policy and privacy policy, which you may set up under Settings > Legal to protect you in the event of a disagreement.

We’ll go through how to construct an About page (named “Our Story”), a Contact page, and crucial policy pages (Privacy Policy, Shipping Policy, and Terms of Service) for the sake of this tutorial, but you may develop whatever pages you believe will help you win your customers’ confidence.